In the world of the 21st century, we are called to be the human face of God who is sensitive to every kind of distress. We live in solidarity with those who work to heal wounded humanity, the body of Christ.
The original inspiration of Marie Auxiliatrice
Our mission derives from the vision of our Foundress Marie-Therese de Soubiran who, in the middle of the 19th century, said: “We would have as our distinctive mark to adapt ourselves to all circumstances, to give ourselves at any time and in any place, not excluding by a previous decision any work or any means…” provided only it was for the “greater glory of God” and for the human and spiritual growth of those whom we are called to serve.
Different times, different places, different needs
Marie-Therese left the field wide open for successive generations of Sisters to discern the most pressing needs of the moment and of the geographical location of the community. and to try to respond according to the gifts, talents and professional training of the Sisters.
At the 2008 General Chapter of the Congregation, delegates representing the Sisters and communities from all over the world, after many days of prayer, reflection and listening to each other, expressed their understanding of how we are being called to live the mission of Marie Auxiliatrice today:
We experienced the call to continue, like Mary, to foster Life in all possible ways:
– to protect life, to work for its growth,
– to restore it wherever it is fragile, wounded, threatened, both in people and in all of creation.
-To do this, we need to be in ever closer solidarity:
– with those who are working for justice and human dignity, especially young people and the poor.
– with those who are working for the development of faith.
– with those who are working to safeguard the endangered life of our planet.
(cf. Orientations of the General Chapter 2008)