It was in 1947 that the four missionaries of the Sisters of Mary Auxiliatrice, with Mother Marie Paula, Assistant General, landed on Japan.
After the celebration of 50 years presence of the Congregation in Cameroon, it was Japan’s turn to give thanks for the first missionary foundation of Marie Auxiliatrice 70 years ago. This was celebrated in Fukuyama on 2nd – 4th November 2017.
Marie Odile and Michiko (France), Thelema (Korea), Elerina (Micronesia) and Therese (Philippines) joined our sisters who came from all of the communities in Japan for this celebration. They were 52. See the photo taken by drone.
On the theme “Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road …?“, the sisters separated into 8 groups of different ages, and shared the graces of their consecrated life. Listening with respect and admiration to this unique and deep sharing, everyone was very touched.
There were also two other times for sharing, when we divided into similar age groups. From the group of older Sisters reaching back to the foundation to the youngest, each group spoke on the subject “To live to the full our consecrated life, what fuel do we need ? ” and also “What can I do for the next generation?”
Each group offered the fruits of the final sharing during the Mass of Thanksgiving.
“It was a very rich meeting, where the Lord blessed us and filled us with strength for the future.” (S. M. Anna)

52 Sisters participated this event.