A group of Associates has been in existence in Huddersfield, England since 1991 and they were closely linked with the Sisters in friendship and mutual support. Even though we no longer have a community of Sisters there, the Associates are faithfully keeping the charism of Marie Auxiliatrice alive in Huddersfield.

We asked a few of them to share what being an Associate has brought to their lives and you will find their stories here, beginning with Pat, who has been an Associate since 1991.

Belonging to a spiritual family

I feel being an Associate is quite simply a feeling of belonging to a spiritual family, which is very important to me in a world where spiritual values seem to be more and more eroded. We, the Associates, support each other by our prayer and understanding. Through sickness and grief, we are always aware that someone is praying with us.

Eucharistic Adoration: to love and be loved

A most important part of our meeting is the meeting with Jesus in adoration. A time to put away worries and sometimes even words too and just find peace and love. And that is what being part of Marie Auxiliatrice has given me most of all – a love of the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps that is enough: to love and be loved.

My prayer

I pray that all of the Marie Auxiliatrice family, Sisters and Associates, may be aware of God’s love for us and joyfully put our faith and hope in him in all that comes our way.

Visit this space again for more stories from the Huddersfield Associates.